Diversity is the recognition of multiple backgrounds, cultures and perspectives within our organization.
Having a diverse workforce benefits our business. Seeking variety of thought, background, skill and experience, as well as other factors, including gender, ethnicity, race and nationality, helps us understand our clients’ needs and underpins an open work culture. We have a number of workplace policies in place that promote diversity. The Board of Executive set direction and regularly review how we recruit and retain a range of talent at all management, staff and employee levels.
We integrate elements of diversity into many of our daily management processes, among them recruiting, orientation, training, and development. In 2005, for the first time, we instituted a diversity competency as part of our annual performance management process. We also expanded policies that help employees with families.
We also try to help our employees balance the demands posed by their work and personal lives. For example, we have given all of our employees online access to their computer files from their homes or other locations.
Guardian Eagle Security, Inc. provides Diversity of comprehensive Security Guards Services Los Angeles, CA. We are committed to providing our clients with the highest level of service, and we will do everything possible to ensure that you feel safe and secure knowing that your home or business is being protected.
An Equal Rights Note