Security Guard Services From Guardian Eagle Security Inc

Step 1 of 7


Personal History Form Instructions

It is mandatory that all information requested be supplied in the manner specified. Each question on this application must be answered; leave no blanks. If a question does not apply, enter DNA. An incomplete application will not be accepted.

  1. Read the form carefully.
  2. List zip codes and area codes for all requested addresses and telephone numbers.
  3. Print full names of all references: first name, middle name, and last name. If the reference has no middle name or initial, you may leave it blank.
  4. Complete all the information on educational background. List all high schools attended and/or graduated from and all colleges attended.
  5. When listing residence information, begin with your present residence and go back for the last ten years or since age fifteen.
  6. When listing employment information, begin with your present employer and list all other employers. List actual work addresses not corporate office addresses. Each month and year must be accounted for. Be sure each address is accurate and complete. List periods of military service, including the name of your station or assignment, and your residence if you lived off the base. If you resided at an address other than your permanent home address while attending school, list it.
  7. List relatives in the order requested. For deceased relatives, indicate “deceased” next to their name.
  8. If there is not sufficient space to include all information required, place a photocopy of that page (8-1/2" X 11"), in proper sequence and complete the information.
  9. Any false statements or omissions made on this questionnaire may cause your name to be removed from the eligibility list or be cause for immediate termination, if an appointment is made.
  10. You are required to report within five days to Guardian Eagle Security Inc Human Resources Department (backgrounds) any changes to information on this Personal History Form. Failure to do so may cause your name to be removed from the eligibility list or be cause for immediate termination, if an appointment is made.

I have read and understand the instructions provided.

Clear Signature
MM slash DD slash YYYY


Please allow the full day for this appointment as you will be photographed, fingerprinted, and given an in-depth background investigation interview. Business attire is strongly recommended.